This weekend we went to Mitchell, South Dakota to help Tom and Ana celebrate their wedding day. It was a rainy weekend, so I wasn't sure if the weather would cooperate, but it was nice by the time we got up there. The wedding and reception were being held in the same space, so we wanted to make sure we got there in plenty of time so we could check it out. The event was held at the Wild Oaks Country Club which is just outside Mitchell. It looks small, but it has a spectacular view of the valley outside of Mitchell, I was really impressed by how beautiful it was. What a perfect place for wedding photos!
We arrived a little before the wedding and had some time to kill, so we drove around Mitchell, just to check it out. After driving past the world famous 'Corn Palace' (I have to say, I was pretty
dissapointed, it looks much more impressive in postcards), we had some dinner at 'Bonanza' which was not very good, I felt a little ill afterwards.
We got back to the Country Club just after the Wedding Ceremony and got everything set up as quickly as we could. The younger kids couldn't wait for us to get started! We began the evening with the bouquet toss. The couple was a lot of fun, and had excellent taste in music. It was obvious that the songs chosen for their special dances had meaning for them. It seemed like everyone had fun and the groomsmen treated us to the most enthusiastic (and believable) Air Guitar contest we have seen yet! It was also the first contest won by the groom. Later that night, we saw some pretty impressive Michael Jackson impressions to 'Thriller' and the bride danced with her brother to his favorite song.
Even though we do a lot of the same games and activities at wedding dances, it always surprises me how unique each one is. I think music is a very powerful thing when it comes to creating memories and bringing people together. It is a great feeling to be a part of that, and know when they hear a certain song that we played, they will think back on their wedding reception, and hopefully remember how much fun it was.
By the time we got back to Sioux Falls, it was 3:30 am! We were both so tired but satisfied that we had done a good job. Our next show isn't for a few weeks, so it will be nice to relax a little this weekend!